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Payment methods in Websky

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Payment methods in Websky
Payment methods can be divided into the following groups:
* '''Payment Gateways Online''' are payment methods where Websky interacts with an external payment gateway and receives payment statuses for orders automatically online (see [[Payment Gateways]] for details):
** ''' Card payment gateways'''.** ''' Gateways for paying by cache'''.
<br> For more information about online payment methods see[[payment gateways]]).
* '''Payment methods with manual status fixation''' - payment methods where Websky does not interact with external payment gateways and the payment status is changed manually by agency staff:
** '''[[Payment in office]]''',** '''Payment by account (receipt/invoice)''',
* Payment by funds from the company's balance or available overdraft account in Websky system:
** '''Payment via [[Company Balance ]]'''.
==Payment process in Websky==

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