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,Created page with "'''Airline''' is an air transportation company that provides services in passenger and cargo transportation. With both scheduled and charter flights, airlines occupy key posit..."
'''Airline''' is an air transportation company that provides services in passenger and cargo transportation. With both scheduled and charter flights, airlines occupy key positions in the modern transport infrastructure. Websky system uses the terms "carrier" and "air carrier" as synonyms of the concept "airline".
Two main organizations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), regulate airlines. ICAO and IATA codes are actively used in directories of airlines, cities and airports used by Websky. In most cases, transportation sales are made through [[GDS]], a kind of exchange where airlines upload data on fares and availability. However, there are carriers, especially in the segment of low-cost transportation, whose resources are not represented in the GDS and whose membership in IATA is incomplete.
Airlines can operate both independently and on the basis of partnership programs (e.g. codeshare and interline agreements), as well as alliances. The most famous alliances uniting major carriers are: SkyTeam, Oneworld and Star Alliance.
== Airline data in Websky ==
The system operates the data of passenger airlines operating scheduled flights and represented in Global Distribution Systems. Thus, the list of carriers available in Websky is limited by the possibilities of GDS chosen by the client for connection, as well as by peculiarities of sales of one or another airline within the clearing zone.
Airline in Websky is an entity with the following characteristics:
* IATA code
* ICAO code
* TAC code
* Name
* Country of Origin
The list of airlines is downloaded from the IATA and TCH (Transport Clearing House) directories. The actuality of the database is checked every six months during regular updates of the system.
The directory also contains information about the airline, which can be displayed in the form of search results (depending on client settings):
* logo
* city in which the headquarters of the airline are located
* website
The airline directory in Websky is editable and can be changed by the customer at his discretion.
'''Attention!''' When editing an airline name in the directory, only the first letter of the word (at the beginning of the name or before the space) becomes capitalized, the rest are lowercased.
== Airline information on Websky forms ==
Airline information - basically the airline IATA code and a short name - is present on all Websky forms associated with the sale of airline tickets:
* a form to view the selected flight combination
* booking confirmation form
* ticketing confirmation form
* form of itinerary receipt inquiry form
By default, the airline specific search filter is disabled in the ticket search form in the standard design, but it is possible to make it available. Activation of this filter allows to show in search results transportation options of only those airlines which have been marked by the user.
== Airline information in Websky search results ==
In the standard design theme, the airline search results form contains an airline name and logo. General data about it can be viewed by clicking on the link with the carrier name (provided that the airline data transfer to the search results form is enabled) or the logo (provided that the '''Link to airline logo on search results'' option is enabled in '''Product control → Air tickets → Processes → Search form'').
Besides the name of the airline whose [[fare]] is displayed in search results you can also specify ''[[operating carrier]]'' - the airline that actually flies the given route.
== Websky settings that can be set depending on the airlines ==
* search presets
* search lists
* checkout lists
* lists for interlines
* surcharges
* discounts
* subagent commissions
* airline commissions
* passenger data formats settings
== Airline blacklists and whitelists ==
"Black" and "white" lists of airlines are introduced in order to be able to manage the search results. For example, to show only flights of certain airlines (from the "white" list) or all airlines except for some airlines (from the "black" list). The '''Airlines in search results''' option in '''Product control → Avia tickets → Outdated settings → Search restrictions''' is responsible for managing the display of results.
=== Configuring the fields of the "Blacklist of airlines" ===
* '''Airline''' - this field is intended for entering the name of the airline to be blacklisted.
* '''Allowed types''' - this option allows you to set the type of flight for which the airline will be blacklisted. Two options are available:
** '''MVL''' - international flight;
** '''VBL''' - domestic flight.
== Interline Partners ==
The '''Interline Partners''' page configures the airlines whose carriage can be booked and written out on other airlines' forms under interline agreements.
* '''Interline Partners''' - airline whose carriage is written out on the letterhead of another company.
* '''Contract airline''' - an airline whose letterhead is used for issuing interline partner tickets.
* '''Currently available''' - allows you to temporarily disable this interline.
'''Attention!''' Interlines will not be selected if a contract company is not added for them.
If more than one interline is available for the same carrier, all other things being equal, the interline with the highest commission will be selected.
'''Attention!''' If the airline to be discharged by interline is in the contract directory, the discharge will go by direct contract.
== Airline Directory ==
The '''Airlines''' directory allows you to enter, edit and delete information about airlines, which is used to visualize the ''Airline'' object in the '''Ticket Search and Booking''' module. The directory allows you to store: the name, the actual data about the airline, IATA code, etc. It comes in a standard filling.
== See also ==
* [[TCH (Transport Clearing House)]]
<!--* [http://support.mute-lab.com/ru/%D0%A1%D0%9F%D0%94#.D0.90.D0.B2.D0.B8.D0.B0.D0.BA.D0.BE.D0.BC.D0.BF.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B8_.D1.81_.D0.AD.D0.91_.D0.BD.D0.B0_.D0.B1.D0.BB.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.BA.D0.B0.D1.85_.D0.A1.D0.9F.D0.94_.D0.9D.D0.A1.D0.90.D0.92-.D0.A2.D0.9A.D0.9F_.D0.B8_.D0.BD.D0.B0_.D0.B1.D1.83.D0.BC.D0.B0.D0.B3.D0.B5_.D1.84.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.82.D0.B0_.D0.904 Авиакомпании с ЭБ на бланках СПД НСАВ-ТКП и на бумаге формата А4]-->
Two main organizations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), regulate airlines. ICAO and IATA codes are actively used in directories of airlines, cities and airports used by Websky. In most cases, transportation sales are made through [[GDS]], a kind of exchange where airlines upload data on fares and availability. However, there are carriers, especially in the segment of low-cost transportation, whose resources are not represented in the GDS and whose membership in IATA is incomplete.
Airlines can operate both independently and on the basis of partnership programs (e.g. codeshare and interline agreements), as well as alliances. The most famous alliances uniting major carriers are: SkyTeam, Oneworld and Star Alliance.
== Airline data in Websky ==
The system operates the data of passenger airlines operating scheduled flights and represented in Global Distribution Systems. Thus, the list of carriers available in Websky is limited by the possibilities of GDS chosen by the client for connection, as well as by peculiarities of sales of one or another airline within the clearing zone.
Airline in Websky is an entity with the following characteristics:
* IATA code
* ICAO code
* TAC code
* Name
* Country of Origin
The list of airlines is downloaded from the IATA and TCH (Transport Clearing House) directories. The actuality of the database is checked every six months during regular updates of the system.
The directory also contains information about the airline, which can be displayed in the form of search results (depending on client settings):
* logo
* city in which the headquarters of the airline are located
* website
The airline directory in Websky is editable and can be changed by the customer at his discretion.
'''Attention!''' When editing an airline name in the directory, only the first letter of the word (at the beginning of the name or before the space) becomes capitalized, the rest are lowercased.
== Airline information on Websky forms ==
Airline information - basically the airline IATA code and a short name - is present on all Websky forms associated with the sale of airline tickets:
* a form to view the selected flight combination
* booking confirmation form
* ticketing confirmation form
* form of itinerary receipt inquiry form
By default, the airline specific search filter is disabled in the ticket search form in the standard design, but it is possible to make it available. Activation of this filter allows to show in search results transportation options of only those airlines which have been marked by the user.
== Airline information in Websky search results ==
In the standard design theme, the airline search results form contains an airline name and logo. General data about it can be viewed by clicking on the link with the carrier name (provided that the airline data transfer to the search results form is enabled) or the logo (provided that the '''Link to airline logo on search results'' option is enabled in '''Product control → Air tickets → Processes → Search form'').
Besides the name of the airline whose [[fare]] is displayed in search results you can also specify ''[[operating carrier]]'' - the airline that actually flies the given route.
== Websky settings that can be set depending on the airlines ==
* search presets
* search lists
* checkout lists
* lists for interlines
* surcharges
* discounts
* subagent commissions
* airline commissions
* passenger data formats settings
== Airline blacklists and whitelists ==
"Black" and "white" lists of airlines are introduced in order to be able to manage the search results. For example, to show only flights of certain airlines (from the "white" list) or all airlines except for some airlines (from the "black" list). The '''Airlines in search results''' option in '''Product control → Avia tickets → Outdated settings → Search restrictions''' is responsible for managing the display of results.
=== Configuring the fields of the "Blacklist of airlines" ===
* '''Airline''' - this field is intended for entering the name of the airline to be blacklisted.
* '''Allowed types''' - this option allows you to set the type of flight for which the airline will be blacklisted. Two options are available:
** '''MVL''' - international flight;
** '''VBL''' - domestic flight.
== Interline Partners ==
The '''Interline Partners''' page configures the airlines whose carriage can be booked and written out on other airlines' forms under interline agreements.
* '''Interline Partners''' - airline whose carriage is written out on the letterhead of another company.
* '''Contract airline''' - an airline whose letterhead is used for issuing interline partner tickets.
* '''Currently available''' - allows you to temporarily disable this interline.
'''Attention!''' Interlines will not be selected if a contract company is not added for them.
If more than one interline is available for the same carrier, all other things being equal, the interline with the highest commission will be selected.
'''Attention!''' If the airline to be discharged by interline is in the contract directory, the discharge will go by direct contract.
== Airline Directory ==
The '''Airlines''' directory allows you to enter, edit and delete information about airlines, which is used to visualize the ''Airline'' object in the '''Ticket Search and Booking''' module. The directory allows you to store: the name, the actual data about the airline, IATA code, etc. It comes in a standard filling.
== See also ==
* [[TCH (Transport Clearing House)]]
<!--* [http://support.mute-lab.com/ru/%D0%A1%D0%9F%D0%94#.D0.90.D0.B2.D0.B8.D0.B0.D0.BA.D0.BE.D0.BC.D0.BF.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B8_.D1.81_.D0.AD.D0.91_.D0.BD.D0.B0_.D0.B1.D0.BB.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.BA.D0.B0.D1.85_.D0.A1.D0.9F.D0.94_.D0.9D.D0.A1.D0.90.D0.92-.D0.A2.D0.9A.D0.9F_.D0.B8_.D0.BD.D0.B0_.D0.B1.D1.83.D0.BC.D0.B0.D0.B3.D0.B5_.D1.84.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.82.D0.B0_.D0.904 Авиакомпании с ЭБ на бланках СПД НСАВ-ТКП и на бумаге формата А4]-->