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Payment fixation

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Created page with "'''Payment fixation''' is a manual change of payment transaction status. ==Description== Manual payment fixation is allowed for users in the user rights settings. The option..."
'''Payment fixation''' is a manual change of payment transaction status.


Manual payment fixation is allowed for users in the user rights settings. The option can be enabled for an agency manager and expert.<br /> '''Attention!''' subagency managers and experts '''cannot''' commit payments manually. <br /> '''Attention!''' Root agency experts '''cannot''' fix payments manually '''by online methods.'''

To commit a payment, open the ''Payment Transactions'' link in the ''Service Information'' of this order:

=== Manual Transaction Update===
In order to update the payment transaction status you should choose the transaction you are interested in in the table of payment transactions of the given order and click "Refresh".

=== User rights ===

You can prohibit committing and deleting payments both for managers and for experts. To do so, go to ''''Orders'''' → '''User Rights''' and enter the corresponding values.

== Payment Transactions Table ==

Managers and experts of the agency have an opportunity to manually record the fact of paying for the order on the page with information about the order. To do this, click the "Payment transactions" link located at the bottom of the "Payment information" block. This link is also available in the "Actions" column of the Client Cabinet.

'''Attention!''' Experts are not allowed to put or delete the payment sign for online payments.

Clicking the link will take you to the payment transactions page. The table of payment transactions contains the following data:
* '''Nemo ID''' - payment transaction identifier in the Websky system.
* '''External ID''' - identifier of the order in the payment gateway (is inserted upon payment).
* '''Status''' - current status of the payment transaction:
** '''New'''
** '''Done''' - transition to payment, the price is blocked.
** '''Waiting for payment'''
** '''Cancel''' - the payment is cancelled, the real refund is not guaranteed.
** '''Refund''' - payment is cancelled and refunded.
** '''Funds blocked''' - the payment has been made, but the funds have not been debited from the card yet (preauthorization).
** '''Paid'''
* '''Charged''' - surcharge of the payment gateway.
* '''Total payable''' - total amount for the whole order including different charges and markups.
* '''Creation date''' - date of creation of the payment transaction.
* '''Paid''' - the amount of money fixed on the order at the moment.
* '''Payment date''' - date of funds fixation on the payment transaction.
* '''Payment gateway''' - name of the payment gateway.
* '''Available actions with the transaction'''

It is possible to fix the payment only after selecting the payment type. It is also possible to delete the record of payment. Before any action the system will ask you for confirmation.

The "Detailed information about the order" link takes you back to the order page.

== See also ==
* [[Orders]]
* [[Agency]]
* [[Agency manager]]
* [[Booking expert]]
* [[Rights]]

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