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Payment methods in Websky

6 bytes added, 20:24, 3 September 2020
Payment method filtering parameters
* '''Supplier''' - filtering by components and selected suppliers. The "Ticket exchange" option allows you to enable selection of this payment method when exchanging tickets.
* '''Requisite''' - use this option to specify specific details of the supplier.
* '''Source ''' - using this option, you can enable access to payment using the payment method only when the transition was made from the source specified in the field (from [[Metrics module]]). The numeric ID of the transition source (comma) is specified.* '''All sources except - using this setting you can disable access to payment via payment method if the transition was made via the source specified in this field. <br>'''Attention!''' The value must not intersect with the values from the field '''Source'''!* '''Airlines''' - is used to set the filter by airlines,
* '''Display if the order amount is less than - the maximum order amount at which the payment method is available to choose.
* '''Display if the order amount is more than - the minimum order amount at which the payment method is available to choose.

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