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Payment methods in Websky

1 byte removed, 20:22, 3 September 2020
Payment Method Settings
* '''Payment information through this gateway''' - additional information displayed on the page of choosing payment methods and after choosing a specific payment method.
* '''Scenario of payment gateway''' - configuration of the 'Payments 2.0' module that allows you to describe the scenario of actions that will take place during the payment process. The setting is available for all payment gateways on Booking form 2.0. WYSIWYG is used to edit the script text. If the text is missing, the setting text "Payment information through this gateway" will be displayed in its place.
[[File:Script Display_on_web.png|300px|thumb|right| Script Display after payment selection]].
* '''Payment result''' - this setting allows you to specify the text that will be displayed at the top of the order page when a user returns from the payment page.
* '''Button text''' - the text of the current payment method selection button.

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