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Booking procedure in Websky
To book a service in Websky online booking system, it is required to to fill in the [[Форма бронирования (Авиабилеты)|booking form]] and proceed next.
After the successful booking, the [[userUser]] (customer) receives the confirmation where status, ID and the final booking amount are set, Websky system shows user the information about the time to pay for the booking and sends booking [[Нотификация|notifications]] to the emails of the customer and the agency. If the payment was not made or commited, the order will be automatically cancelled (if the [[Autocancellator| auto-cancellation of unpaid bookings]] is enabled for the agency. Order ticketing is available only after the booking is paid.
Booking data are available on the client’s [[Личный кабинет|personal account]] page, and they can uploaded for the following creation of management accounting in the XML format.
If there was a price increase while proceeding to a booking, theuser will receive a notification “Order price was increased during the booking” and the two variants will be offered: