Itinerary receipt
Itinerary receipt —is a certificate of purchase of an electronic ticket.
The Itinerary Receipt (IR) is an extract from the automated information system for air transportation registration. It is sent immediately after online booking by e-mail or is issued at the ticket office in a printed version.
It serves as a reminder to the passenger of the flight details and has the functions of a reporting document. It is not a transportation document.
As a rule, an itinerary receipt is not required at the flight registration at the airport, but may be required in some cases when passing passport or customs control (more often abroad), as well as sometimes it is required at the entrance to the building of the airport terminal which works in conditions of high security measures.
Recommended type of itinerary receipt
The itinerary-receipt contains the following information on passenger and luggage transportation:
- Information about a passenger (for domestic transportation: surname, name, patronymic, name, series and number of an identity document; for international transportation: surname, other information in accordance with international norms);
- Carrier's name and/or code;
- Flight number;
- Flight departure date;
- Flight departure time;
- Name and (or) codes of airports/points of departure and destination for each flight;
- Fare;
- Fare equivalent (if applicable);
- Totals price of the carriage;
- Form of payment;
- Charges (if applicable);
- Name and (or) code of the booking class;
- Booking status code;
- Booking date;
- Name of the agency/carrier that issued the ticket;
- Free baggage allowance (not obligatory);
- Unique electronic ticket number.
Attention! In case of changes in the data of the issued order, which are displayed in the itinerary receipt, its re-generation takes place and the updated itinerary receipt is sent to the e-mail.
Ticket number in the itinerary receipt
One of the main conditions for correct ticketing is its number in the itinerary receipt formed by the system. If you have found an order that contains an itinerary receipt without ticket number, you need to do the following:
- Check the status of the found order in the terminal.
- Carry out the order diagnostics in Websky to identify problematic orders.
Itinerary receipt template
The itinerary receipt template is configured in the section "System Settings → Notifications and documents → Documents → Flight documents → Itinerary receipt".
Attention! Specify an itinerary receipt template for each GDS (Source field).
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Setting up the itinerary receipt template |
Attention! It is not recommended to use the default font in the itinerary receipt.
List of fonts recommended for use:
- Arial
- Courier New
- Times New Roman
- Verdana
- Andale Mono
- Georgia
- Trebuchet MS
Itinerary Receipt in different languages
Websky has implemented multi-language itinerary receipts. You can customize IR template:
- by default for all languages,
- separately for each language.
When issuing a ticket, IR is brought in accordance with the template specified for the language to which the site is switched, the value of variables is also substituted depending on the language in which the order is issued.
To specify different IRs for different languages, use the switch in the top right corner:
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Itinerary receipt for different languages |
Itinerary receipt in English
Regardless of the language of the site, you can download the itinerary receipt in English. To do this, you need to have a translated itinerary receipt template (the setting is described above), as well as:
- Enable Show link to English version of itinerary receipt in the booking form setting in Product control → Processes → Ticketing process section.
- Enable Use itinerary receipt preview page in Product control → Outdated Settings → Booking defaults section)
After that, on the page for viewing IR, there will be a link to the English IR - "Download IR in English".
Sending itinerary receipt
If necessary, the manager can set up options for automatic sending of itinerary receipt: always send automatically, only at auto-search or never send. The path to configuration is the following: System settings → Notifications and documents → E-mail settings, setting "Automatic sending of the itinerary receipt".
The setting may take one of 3 values:
1) After any ticketing - after manual or automatic statement, the itinerary receipt will be sent to the e-mail of the buyer.
2) After automatic ticketing - the itinerary receipt will be sent to the buyer's e-mail only if the auto-receipt has triggered by the order.
3) Not send - you may send the itinerary receipt only manually.
Attention! For correct generation of the PDF file of the itinerary receipt, the setting "Automatic sending of the itinerary receipt" must be in the mode "After any ticketing" or "After automatic ticketing".
Regardless of the setting, after the ticketing by the "My Tickets" link on the order page, it will be possible to re-send (or primarily send) an itinerary receipt on the specialized page available for b2b users. You will be able to download documents in pdf format or send them to the specified addresses, having previously edited the ticketing notification. If b2c users click on "My Tickets", the itinerary receipt will be immediately downloaded in pdf format.
Please note that the itinerary receipt itself is not available for editing. If the ticketing letter uses the variable %ITINERARY_RECEIPT% which translates the itinerary receipt data into a notification of successful ticketing, on the page for sending IR, only the statement letter will be available for editing, which will not lead to changes in the itinerary receipt itself.
Attention! In case there are any changes in the already issued order, you should update the itinerary receipt. To do this, go to the order and choose Action → Update itinerary receipt on the order form. This option is available only to the manager of the agency.
Template variables
Template and VAT variables are available in the itinerary receipt, which can be used to substitute specific values related to the order at the time of its generation.
Directory of template variables of the itinerary receipt
Variable | Variable description |
%AGENCY_NAME% | Agency name |
%AGENCY_LOGO% | Agency logo (agency logo image must be in JPG or PNG format). |
%_ADDRESS% | Agency address |
%_PHONE% | Agency phone |
%CLIENT_NAME% | Customer name |
%CLIENT_PATRONYMIC% | Customer middle name (patronymic) |
%EXT_HTML% | Coupon |
%BOOKING_LOCATOR% | Service id |
%BOOKING_ID% | Service id in the system |
%EXTERNAL_ID% | External order ID |
%DATE% | Date |
%PASS_CHARGE_AGENCY_SUB% | subagency charge per passenger (not including ancillary services) |
%PASS_CHARGE_AGENCY_MAIN% | main agency charge per passenger (not including ancillary services) |
%PASS_CHARGE_AGENCY% | total charges of the main agency and subagent per passenger (it is recommended to use %PASS_CHARGE_AGENCY_SUB% and %PASS_CHARGE_AGENCY_MAIN%). |
%FORM_OF_PAYMENT% | Form of payment (standard name of the payment gateway, not specified in the settings). |
%FORM_OF_PAYMENT_GDS% | Form of payment on the GDS side (form of payment prescribed in PNR) |
%PAYMENT_DATE% | Date of payment
If the order has no completed transactions, the variable will contain the statement date. |
%SERVICE% | Service provider |
%TOTAL_PRICE% | Order price (in agency currency) |
%PASS_SALUTATION% | Address to the passenger (Mr./Mrs.). |
%PASS_LASTNAME% | Last name |
%PASS_NAME% | Name |
%PASS_PATRONYMIC% | Middle name (patronymic) |
%PASS_DOC_NUM% | Document number |
%PASS_DOC_TYPE% | Document type |
%PASS_TYPE% | Tourist/passenger type |
%QRCODE% | QR code |
%PASS_TAXES_SUMM% | Amount of taxes per passenger |
%PASS_TOTAL_PRICE% | Order price (without agency charges) |
%DEPARTURE_AIRPORT% | Departure airport |
%ARRIVAL_AIRPORT% | Arrival airport |
%BASE_FARE% | Base fare (price in selling currency from GDS) |
%BASE_FARE_ORIGINAL_CURRENCY% | Base rate (Price in the currency of their establishment) |
%FLIGHT_ENDORSMENTS% | Transmitting message |
%FLIGHT_FARE_CALC% | Fare calculation. Attention! The use of this variable is not supported by all suppliers. |
%MARKETING_AIRLINE% | Servicing airline |
%TAXES% | Detailed values of all taxes with their codes |
%TICKET_NUMBER% | Ticket number |
%TICKET_DATE% | Ticket issue date |
%SMOKING_TYPE% | Smoking / non-smoking type |
%PAYMENT_GATEWAY_NAME% | The name of the payment gateway |
%BAGGAGE_ALLOWANCE% | Baggage (can be used inside and outside the segment; outside the segment, the minimum baggage for the current passenger is displayed). Not recommended for use. |
%TICKETING_VALIDATOR% | Code of the requisite ticketing stock validator — specified on Nemo 2.0 side. |
%PASS_AGENCY_TAX% | Agency charge for all bookings |
%PASS_AGENCY_TAX_EACH% | Agency charge, equally divided into passengers |
%PASS_TAX_TOTAL_PRICE% | Total order price for all passengers (with agency fees) |
%SEG_DEP_AIRPORT% | Departure airport (in segment) |
%SEG_START_TERMINAL% | Initial terminal |
%SEG_DEP_DATE% | Send date in segment |
%SEG_DEP_TIME% | Send time in segment |
%SEG_ARR_AIRPORT% | Arrival airport (in a segment) |
%SEG_ARR_DATE% | Arrival date in a segment |
%SEG_ARR_TIME% | Arrival time in segment |
%SEG_SUN_INFO% | Output of information about the sun side in flight. Attention! Information about the sun side is only displayed if the sun shines on any side more than 15% of the total flight time. |
%SEG_END_TERMINAL% | Terminal |
%SEG_FLT_NUMBER% | Flight number in the segment |
%SEG_NUM% | Segment number |
%SEG_AIRLINE_NAME% | Airline in the flight segment |
%SEG_OPERATING_AIRLINE% | The airline operating the flight in the segment |
%SEG_AIRCRAFT_NAME% | Aircraft name |
%SEG_DISTANSE% | Distance in km |
%SEG_FLT_TIME% | Flight time |
%SEG_STOP_QUANTITY% | Number of technical stops. It should be used within the %SEGMENT% group. |
%SEG_STOP_INFORMATION% | Detailed information about technical landings. Displays full information about technical landings during the flight. |
%_CURRENCY_CODE% | Agency currency code |
%PASS_AGENCY_FEE_LETTERS_EN% | Agency charge in English (order charge) |
%PASS_AGENCY_FEE_LETTERS_RU% | Agency charge in Russian (order charge) |
%PASS_AGENCY_TAX_WITHOUT_EXT_SERV% | Agency charge excluding ancillary services (passenger charge) |
%PASS_AGENCY_TWES_FEE_LETTERS_EN% | Agency charge excluding ancillary services in English (passenger charge) |
%PASS_AGENCY_TWES_FEE_LETTERS_RU% | Agency charge excluding ancillary services in Russian (passenger charge) |
%SEG_AIRLINE_NOTICE% | Note from airline XX, included in translations by the mark XX_ir_notice (XX = IATA code) |
%SOGAZ_INSURANCE_INFO% | Information about Sogas insurance service for the whole order |
%PASS_SOGAZ_INSURANCE_INFO% | Information about Sogas insurance service for the whole passenger |
%SEG_BASE_FARE_CODE% | Basic fare code (in segment) |
%SEG_CLASS% | Class in segment |
%SEG_US_BAGGAGE_INFO% | Additional information about U.S. baggage regulations (on the carrier's website) |
%SEG_BAGGAGE_ALLOWANCE% | Baggage for the segment. Recommended for use. |
%SEG_STATUS% | Segment status |
%SEG_VENDOR_ID% | Order ID in the airline |
%SEG_SEAT% | Passenger seat |
%SEG_TICKET_NUM% | Passenger ticket number on the segment |
%PASS_COUNT% | Number of passengers |
%TOTAL_CHARGE% | Amount of fees |
%PDF_URL% | Link to itinerary receipt in PDF format (for orders of GDS Sirena Travel, the IR will be received from the supplier) |
%VIEWTRIP_URL% | Link to flight information in the ViewTrip service |
%CHILD_DATE_OF_BIRTH% | Passenger's date of birth |
%LOYALTY_CARD% | Loyalty card |
%MEAL% | Preferred meal |
%PASS_PRICE_WITH_CHARGE% | Total ticket price per passenger (with agency charges) |
%AEROEXPRESS_TICKET_URLS% | Links to Aeroexpress tickets |
%AEROEXPRESS_TICKET_IMG% | Aeroexpress tickets |
%EXTSERVICE_INFO% | Information about the ancillary service |
%BOOKING_ACCESS_CODE% | Order access code |
%PAYMENT_CARD_NUMBER% | Bank card payment number (in the format PC XXXXXXXXXX9987) |
%FLIGHT_TARIFF_FULL_NAME% | Full name of the fare |
%FLIGHT_TARIFF_IS_CHANGEABLE% | Information about exchange conditions (text, for fare families). |
%FLIGHT_TARIFF_IS_REFUNDABLE% | Information about refund rules (for farefamilies) |
%FLIGHT_TARIFF_VIP% | Business lounge |
%FLIGHT_TARIFF_SEAT_SELECTION% | Information on seats registration |
%EXC_OR_RETURN_SUMM_FOR_SURCHARGE% | The amount of the exchange charge for the last made request under this order |
%EXCHANGE_BOOKING% | Amount of charge per passenger during the exchange |
Additional variables with VAT
Variable | Variable description |
%VAT_TARIFF% | VAT on fare |
%VAT_TAXES% | VAT on charges. |
%VAT% | VAT (fare + taxes ) |
%VAT_DUES% | VAT on charges. |
%VAT_TOTAL_AMOUNT% | Amount of VAT |
Variables with VAT in the itinerary receipt will be available if the option "Show variables for VAT in Itinerary receipt" in the section "Site management" → "Domains and protocols" is active, and the list of airlines is configured in the section "Product control" → "Aviatickets" → "Processes" → "Ticketing process", by which VAT should be calculated (by default, if no airlines are specified, VAT will not be calculated by any airline). The calculation will be made by the validating carrier (the airline responsible for operations with tickets and other transactions), regardless of the airlines involved in the flight.
- For Sabre and Galileo, VAT is calculated by setting VAT (in percent) from the same section of the administration panel.
- For Sirena2000, only the VAT on charge is calculated by this setting, the rest comes from the supplier.
- For a simplified tax system ("Account Management" → "Agents and Users" → "Company Profiles" - the setting Tax Type is set to Simplified System) the VAT on such charges will be 0.
- It is possible to hide the VAT on fees in taxi, for this purpose you need to enable the setting Hide fees in taxi on the route-receipt from the section "Sales management" → "Air tickets" → "Outdated settings" → "Booking defaults".
Attention! Printing itinerary receipt for each passenger on an individual page can be carried out by adding an element with the corresponding style:
<hr style="page-break-after: always;">
Groups are used to specify information about several passengers (flight segments, etc.) in the itinerary receipt. They only combine other variables and do not have independent parameters. Therefore, while adding a group, don't forget to close it.
Groups' description | ||
Group name | Group description | |
%TICKET_GROUP% | Ticket | |
%PASSENGER% | Passenger | |
%SEGMENT% | Segment | |
%FLIGHT_TARIFF_GROUP% | Information about the fare family. Not recommended (since this group and its variables will soon be removed) . | |
%ABSTRACT_PRICE_BLOCK% | Price data inside this group will not be displayed when In B2B mode offer the same route receipt without specifying prices setting is enabled". |
Attention! For correct display of data through variables for more than one passenger, the group %SEGMENT%
should only be placed within the group %PASSENGER%
In "Product control" → "Aviatickets" → "Outdated settings" → "Booking defaults" there is an option Hide tax charges on itinerary receipts. If it is activated, then, if there is a fee in the amount of the order, it will be equally distributed to all passengers for whom the price of the ticket is not zero, and disguised as a tax with the code XP.
If there are several ticket numbers in the order for one passenger, it is possible to bring out each ticket to a separate itinerary receipt. To divide the tickets into separate itinerary receipts, it is necessary to use the group %TICKET_GROUP%, wrapping up the whole template of the document.
347278 IVANOV IVAN - 5555100028150
347278 IVANOV IVAN - 5555100028151
PASSENGER example.
The information on each passenger in the order will be displayed. For example, if there were 3 passengers:
Full Name: Ivan Ivanov. Full name: Petrov Petr Petrovich Full name: Sidorov Sidor Sidorovich
Groups are also used to display information about the fare family.
The information about the fare family will be displayed.
Budget-Economy Ticket Refund: The fare is completely non-refundable. Ticket exchange: 1) Ticket exchange before departure is allowed with charges. 2) Ticket exchange after departure is not allowed. Hand baggage: 1 bag up to 10 kg. Baggage: 1 bag up to 23 kg
Attention! Variables for displaying information about the fare family are displayed only if there is information about a fare option of this type and if there is only one fare family in flight.
Alternative itinerary receipts from GDS
The itinerary receipt template has a lunguage specific variable %SUPPLIER_ITIN_RECEIPT%
- a link to the itinerary receipt of the supplier, which contains the address of the service of the supplier to obtain an alternative IR. It is supported for:
- Sabre Attention! It is necessary to specify the passenger's e-mail, entered during booking, to view the order.
- Galileo.
- SITA Attention! For S7 Airlines only.
- Serena Travel Attention! It is necessary to fill in the following data: PNR and passenger's name to view the order.
Variable language dependency is implemented for and services. External service for obtaining alternative IR may not support the language selected in Websky.
In the section "Product control" → "Aviatickets" → "Outdated settings" → "Booking defaults" added the setting Hide order value in the itinerary of the supplier receipt. This setting works only for suppliers Sabre and Galileo. For SITA S7, you don't need to perform any special actions to hide the price on the S7 website, because doesn't show the cost of PNRs ticketed in agencies other than S7.
In "System Settings" → "Notifications" → "Letter templates" → "Ticketing", added the setting "Use the itinerary receipt of the supplier in PDF, if possible". It works only when the setting Add pdf version of itinerary receipt in attachments is enabled, as it replaces the itinerary receipt attached to PDF with an alternative one from GDS, if any.