GDS queue synchronization

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GDS Queue Synchronization" is a built-in module of the Websky system for synchronization and automated processing of orders from GDS queues.


GDS Queues

Queue is the section of the GDS where bookings with notifications are placed due to events such as:

  • changes made by the air carrier in its segment and added to the PNR,
  • changes in the schedule of booked segments or cancellation of one of them,
  • notifications from an airline or agency supervisor,
  • confirmation from the waiting list,
  • SSR request confirmation,
  • and so on.

The GDS groups events by category automatically, and the agent can also put orders into the queue manually. Codes are assigned to the queues in categories.

The GDS queue system is designed to simplify the agent's control over the created bookings and to inform the agency's staff about emerging events. Queuing of an order implies its further processing by the agent (performing actions necessary upon the occurrence of this event).
Mechanism for using GDS queues on the example of flight schedule change:
The airline changes the departure time of the flight.
The information about the change is noted in already existing PNRs containing this segment.

  1. PNR is placed in the queue for rescheduled bookings.
  2. An agent in the terminal looks through the queue and informs passengers about changes.

Queues in Websky

Websky supports automatic reading of agency queues in GDS. When using GDS Queue Synchronization module, the agent no longer needs to periodically view the queues manually. After the module is configured, Websky performs automatic reading at specified intervals and sends notifications about changes in orders in the queue to the customer and agent. Due to the mechanism of regular queue reading and automated processing of Websky's orders from queues, the agency and users promptly receive up-to-date information about the status of orders and changes that have occurred in them.

Enabling and configuring the module

To configure the "GDS Queue Synchronization" module:

  1. Go to Background Processes → Synchronization of GDS queues,
  2. Enable the option Enable regular GDS queues synchronization for orders.
  3. Set "Queues Synchronization Period" in minutes - the period of time after which Websky periodically performs reading of agent queues. The recommended value is 30 minutes.

  1. Enable the option Remove the PNR from GDS queue after synchronization in Nemo1 to remove agency orders processed by the system and not synchronize them again. Do not enable this option if you use GDS queues in other applications or work with them via API.

"Attention!" If the option "Remove PNR from queue to GDS after synchronization in Websky" is disabled, the order will be updated only once after being in the queue.

Operation principle

Synchronizing orders from queues

After enabling and configuring the GDS Queue Synchronization module:

  1. Websky reads GDS queues of the agent with the frequency specified in the settings.
  2. The system sends to the GDS a request to update the orders with those PNRs that are in the queues to get the latest information about changes and current status.
  3. If the system records changes in the order when the order is being updated, users are sent messages according to the standard procedure of sending notifications when changes are made to the order (see Notification).

The module displays, synchronizes and processes only those orders in the queue that "belong to this agency".

Tracking orders in the queues

In Websky you can online track orders that are in the queue at Personal Account of an agency:

  • Go to [[personal account].
  • Open the Orders section. Select the user for whom the orders will be displayed.
  • Open the Order Filter and perform the filtering using the following filter options:
    • Supplier Queue - select the queue from which the orders will be displayed from those offered:
      • Schedule changes.
      • Cancelled segments.
      • Expired time limits.'
      • Added Tickets.
      • There are unconfirmed segments.
    • In the queue after - select a date to display only those orders that entered the selected queue after the set date.
  • The table will show all the orders of the specified user that have been in the selected queue since the set date.

Queue reading and processing module

Switch on and Setup

The settings of the module can be found in Sales Management → Air Tickets → Modules → Queue Reading Rules.

Queue reading rules

  1. The name of the rule
  2. Read frequency - how often will this rule trigger when running the queue_read__schedule_run script?
  3. Source of reading - GDS queue
  4. Props for reading the queue - props for working with orders and reading the queues.
  5. Read queue identifier - the number of the queue that will be used to work with the orders and read the queues.
  6. Processing rule:
    1. Import and update - the order will be imported/updated if it fits the "Business rules".
    2. Import and Statement - the order will be imported/updated with the subsequent statement if it fits the "Business Rules".
  7. Queue identifier for transfer after successful processing
  8. Queue identifier for transfer after unsuccessful processing

Suppliers and their queues

Description Sabre Sirena Travel Galileo Amadeus Mystifly SITAGabriel Nemo Inventory GalileoUAPI
GeneralQueue + + + + +
ScheduleChanged + + + + + + + +
TicketsAdded + + +
SegmentsCancelled + + + +
UnconfirmedSegments + +
WaitingConfirmation + +
ServiceInfoChanged + + +
TimeLimit + + +
VendorRemarks +