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[[File:Выбор_нотификацииNotification_Screenshot_1.png|400px|thumb|right|Notification selection]][[File:Шаблон_электронного_письмаNotification_Screenshot_2.png|400px|thumb|right|Electronic letter template]]
'''Notification''' is a message about some event which occurred in the system. User can be notified for many reasons: after registration and when password is restored, as a result of changes in the status of an order or its cancellation, as a booking reminder, etc.
==Variables for message templates==
[[File:Переменные_шаблонов_сообщенийNotification_Screenshot_4.png png|350px|thumb|right|Variables for message templates]]
For each notification, a set of template variables is available, which can be used to replace specific values related to the notification before sending the message.
There is a highlighted icon for invoking the variable reference for the current template in the picture.