Created page with "Категория:Модули Категория:Настройки Категория:Встроенные модули '''Air Tickets Search''' — is the М..."
[[Категория:Встроенные модули]]
'''Air Tickets Search''' — is the [[Модуль (термин) | module]] of the [[Авиабилеты (компонент) | «Air Tickets»]] [[Компонент (термин) | component]] of the Websky system.
== Purpose ==
Air Tickets Search is designed to organize the search for flights for further booking and ticketing. Air Tickets Search module organizes the flight search by several requisites for each [[GDS]] to obtain the most complete display of results at the most favorable prices. The search module also includes several auxiliary plugins:
* search request filters
* router
* result filters
* mixer
== Principle of operation ==
[[Файл:Filters_and_mixers_scheme.png|thumb|left|Scheme of interaction of filters, router and mixer|center]]
Air Tickets Search is a complex process, and the various plugins are required for its for the implementation and support.
Air Tickets Search in the Websky has several stages:
#The user sets the search parameters.
# The [[Фильтры поисковых запросов (Авиабилеты)|Filter]] checks the parameters of the search request and interrupts the search process if at least one filter rule is triggered.
# The [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов|Search request router]] selects [[Пакеты реквизитов Немо 1.0|requisite packages]] suitable for the search by the conditions and starts a parallel search in the GDS by them.
# Parallel requests in the [[GDS]] are executed (the number of requests corresponds to the number of allowed requisite packages).
# [[Фильтры результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Search results filter]] removes unwanted flights that match filter parameters from search results.
# [[Микшер результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Mixer]] removes the same flights (duplicates) from the search results from different GDS according to the established rules.
# The results are saved and displayed to the user at the display of results.
'''Search results''' — flights received from GDS.<br />
Search results display''' — flights shown to the user on the stage №7.
== Key features ==
* [[Взаимодействие с метапоисковиками| interaction with metasearch systems]];
* custom internal [[Кэш-сервер|search result cache]];
* smart controls for the [[Форма поиска (Авиабилеты)|search form]];
* search both by fixed and [[Поиск по окружным датам (Авиабилеты)|flexible dates]];
* search for simple and complex compound routes;
* fare search for different [[пассажир|passenger categories]] (adults, children, infants with/without a seat);
* search by different service classes;
* search simultaneously in several [[ГРС|sources]] (multi-GDS, multi-PCC, search in different sessions);
* support of GDS and non-GDS content search;
* possibility to fine-tune the search for specific users of the system;
* possibility to receive debug information on search.
== Fine tuning ==
The search module has a number of additional settings:
* '''Air ticket search enabled''' — option activates the search module. {{Attention|Do not turn off this setting, otherwise the search '''will not work'''!}}
* '''Request filters enabled''' — option enables [[Фильтры поисковых запросов (Авиабилеты)| Nemo 1.0 search request filters]]
* '''Use {{NameProject2}} pre-router''' — enables the new {{NameProject2}} router. For more info see [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов {{NameProject2}}|{{NameProject2}} search request router]] {{Attention|Do not turn this mode on if {{NameProject2}} routing rules are not set!}}
* '''NEMO1.0 router: choosing the search sources''' — Allows you to choose Nemo 1.0 requisite packages for the search. {{Attention|If you use {{NameProject2}} search request router, the restriction to the use of packages in Nemo Travel 1.0 fine tuning does not work! For more info see
[[http://support.nemo.travel/ru/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%88%D1%80%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%85_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D0%9D%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BE_%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BB_2.0#.D0.9E.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B1.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B8_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B2.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D0.B7.D0.B0.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B2_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.B8_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B1.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5_.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.80.D1.88.D1.80.D1.83.D1.82.D0.B8.D0.B7.D0.B0.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.9D.D0.B5.D0.BC.D0.BE_.D0.A2.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BB_2.0|Features of sending requests while the {{NameProject2}} router is active]]}}
* '''NEMO1.0 router: apply the geographic restrictions to the selection of packages''' — the option enables [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов Немо Тревел 1.0| Nemo Travel 1.0 search request router]].
* '''Requisites from which package will be used for search request to{{NameProject2}}''' — the setting allows you to choose the package to launch the search via the {{NameProject2}} search request router. Available options: the first available or a specific package. When there is a search request to {{NameProject2}}, login, password and user ID from {{NameProject2}} set in this package will be used. '''Attention!''' {{NameProject2}} search request routing rules are launched by the agency for which was set the requisite selected in this setting.
* '''Result filters enabled''' — option turns on [[Фильтры результатов поиска Немо 1.0|Nemo 1.0 search result filters]].
* '''Result mixer enabled''' — option turns on [[Микшер результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Nemo 1.0 search result mixer]].
* '''{{NameProject2}} flight pseudo search''' — the setting is responsible for {{NameProject2}} [[Псевдопоиск перелётов|pseudo search]](flight multiplication).
* '''Packages for schedule search in {{NameProject2}}''' — allows you to choose Nemo 1.0 requisite packages for the schedule search.
* '''Blocked flights filtering: time of first flight blocking''' — time within which the flight unavailable for booking will be in the restricted flights list for the first time. Default is 1 hour. Option is available only if the «[[Обработка неподтвержденных сегментов|Unconfirmed segments processing]]» module is enabled. For it to work correctly the «...flight is blocked» result filter must be also enabled.
* '''Blocked flights filtering: time of flight re-blocking''' — time within which the flight unavailable for booking will be in the restricted flights list for the second or more time. Default is 1 hour. Option is available only if the «[[Обработка неподтвержденных сегментов|Unconfirmed segments processing]]» module is enabled. For it to work correctly the «...flight is blocked» result filter must be also enabled.
* '''Deeplink domain for XML API search results''' — as the setting value, the domain of the site is specified, which will be returned when using a search request in the agent API.
* '''Block unavailable flights}}, '''Type of the unavailable flights blocking used''', '''Time of the unavailable flights blocking''' — see [[Блокировка_перелётов|Flight blocking]]
*'''How to identify flight duplicates''' — allows you to fine-tune the mixing of search results. — see [[Микшер Nemo Connect|Nemo Connect Mixer]]
*'''Use Nemo Connect cache''' — the setting allows you to enable the use of the cache for search requests.
*'''Enable flight booking without taxes''' — the setting allows you to enable rules for subsidizing flights.
<!--[[Файл:Search_2_0_scheme.png|600px|thumb|right]] -->
<!-- ==See also==
* [[ГРС|GDS (rus)]]
* [[Результаты поиска|Search results (rus)]]
* [[Фильтры поисковых запросов (Авиабилеты)|Search request filters (Air tickets) (rus)]]
* [[Фильтры результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Search result filters (Air tickets) (rus)]]
* [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов|Search request mixer (rus)]]
* [[Микшер результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Search result mixer(Air tickets) (rus)]]
* [[FastSearch — передача параметров в форму поиска|FastSearch - passing parameters to the search form (rus)]]
* [[Пользователь|User]]
* [[Анонимный пользователь|Anonymous user (rus)]]
* [[Агентство|Agency (rus)]] -->
[[Категория:Встроенные модули]]
'''Air Tickets Search''' — is the [[Модуль (термин) | module]] of the [[Авиабилеты (компонент) | «Air Tickets»]] [[Компонент (термин) | component]] of the Websky system.
== Purpose ==
Air Tickets Search is designed to organize the search for flights for further booking and ticketing. Air Tickets Search module organizes the flight search by several requisites for each [[GDS]] to obtain the most complete display of results at the most favorable prices. The search module also includes several auxiliary plugins:
* search request filters
* router
* result filters
* mixer
== Principle of operation ==
[[Файл:Filters_and_mixers_scheme.png|thumb|left|Scheme of interaction of filters, router and mixer|center]]
Air Tickets Search is a complex process, and the various plugins are required for its for the implementation and support.
Air Tickets Search in the Websky has several stages:
#The user sets the search parameters.
# The [[Фильтры поисковых запросов (Авиабилеты)|Filter]] checks the parameters of the search request and interrupts the search process if at least one filter rule is triggered.
# The [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов|Search request router]] selects [[Пакеты реквизитов Немо 1.0|requisite packages]] suitable for the search by the conditions and starts a parallel search in the GDS by them.
# Parallel requests in the [[GDS]] are executed (the number of requests corresponds to the number of allowed requisite packages).
# [[Фильтры результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Search results filter]] removes unwanted flights that match filter parameters from search results.
# [[Микшер результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Mixer]] removes the same flights (duplicates) from the search results from different GDS according to the established rules.
# The results are saved and displayed to the user at the display of results.
'''Search results''' — flights received from GDS.<br />
Search results display''' — flights shown to the user on the stage №7.
== Key features ==
* [[Взаимодействие с метапоисковиками| interaction with metasearch systems]];
* custom internal [[Кэш-сервер|search result cache]];
* smart controls for the [[Форма поиска (Авиабилеты)|search form]];
* search both by fixed and [[Поиск по окружным датам (Авиабилеты)|flexible dates]];
* search for simple and complex compound routes;
* fare search for different [[пассажир|passenger categories]] (adults, children, infants with/without a seat);
* search by different service classes;
* search simultaneously in several [[ГРС|sources]] (multi-GDS, multi-PCC, search in different sessions);
* support of GDS and non-GDS content search;
* possibility to fine-tune the search for specific users of the system;
* possibility to receive debug information on search.
== Fine tuning ==
The search module has a number of additional settings:
* '''Air ticket search enabled''' — option activates the search module. {{Attention|Do not turn off this setting, otherwise the search '''will not work'''!}}
* '''Request filters enabled''' — option enables [[Фильтры поисковых запросов (Авиабилеты)| Nemo 1.0 search request filters]]
* '''Use {{NameProject2}} pre-router''' — enables the new {{NameProject2}} router. For more info see [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов {{NameProject2}}|{{NameProject2}} search request router]] {{Attention|Do not turn this mode on if {{NameProject2}} routing rules are not set!}}
* '''NEMO1.0 router: choosing the search sources''' — Allows you to choose Nemo 1.0 requisite packages for the search. {{Attention|If you use {{NameProject2}} search request router, the restriction to the use of packages in Nemo Travel 1.0 fine tuning does not work! For more info see
[[http://support.nemo.travel/ru/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%88%D1%80%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%85_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D0%9D%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BE_%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BB_2.0#.D0.9E.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B1.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B8_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B2.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D0.B7.D0.B0.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B2_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.B8_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B1.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5_.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.80.D1.88.D1.80.D1.83.D1.82.D0.B8.D0.B7.D0.B0.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.9D.D0.B5.D0.BC.D0.BE_.D0.A2.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BB_2.0|Features of sending requests while the {{NameProject2}} router is active]]}}
* '''NEMO1.0 router: apply the geographic restrictions to the selection of packages''' — the option enables [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов Немо Тревел 1.0| Nemo Travel 1.0 search request router]].
* '''Requisites from which package will be used for search request to{{NameProject2}}''' — the setting allows you to choose the package to launch the search via the {{NameProject2}} search request router. Available options: the first available or a specific package. When there is a search request to {{NameProject2}}, login, password and user ID from {{NameProject2}} set in this package will be used. '''Attention!''' {{NameProject2}} search request routing rules are launched by the agency for which was set the requisite selected in this setting.
* '''Result filters enabled''' — option turns on [[Фильтры результатов поиска Немо 1.0|Nemo 1.0 search result filters]].
* '''Result mixer enabled''' — option turns on [[Микшер результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Nemo 1.0 search result mixer]].
* '''{{NameProject2}} flight pseudo search''' — the setting is responsible for {{NameProject2}} [[Псевдопоиск перелётов|pseudo search]](flight multiplication).
* '''Packages for schedule search in {{NameProject2}}''' — allows you to choose Nemo 1.0 requisite packages for the schedule search.
* '''Blocked flights filtering: time of first flight blocking''' — time within which the flight unavailable for booking will be in the restricted flights list for the first time. Default is 1 hour. Option is available only if the «[[Обработка неподтвержденных сегментов|Unconfirmed segments processing]]» module is enabled. For it to work correctly the «...flight is blocked» result filter must be also enabled.
* '''Blocked flights filtering: time of flight re-blocking''' — time within which the flight unavailable for booking will be in the restricted flights list for the second or more time. Default is 1 hour. Option is available only if the «[[Обработка неподтвержденных сегментов|Unconfirmed segments processing]]» module is enabled. For it to work correctly the «...flight is blocked» result filter must be also enabled.
* '''Deeplink domain for XML API search results''' — as the setting value, the domain of the site is specified, which will be returned when using a search request in the agent API.
* '''Block unavailable flights}}, '''Type of the unavailable flights blocking used''', '''Time of the unavailable flights blocking''' — see [[Блокировка_перелётов|Flight blocking]]
*'''How to identify flight duplicates''' — allows you to fine-tune the mixing of search results. — see [[Микшер Nemo Connect|Nemo Connect Mixer]]
*'''Use Nemo Connect cache''' — the setting allows you to enable the use of the cache for search requests.
*'''Enable flight booking without taxes''' — the setting allows you to enable rules for subsidizing flights.
<!--[[Файл:Search_2_0_scheme.png|600px|thumb|right]] -->
<!-- ==See also==
* [[ГРС|GDS (rus)]]
* [[Результаты поиска|Search results (rus)]]
* [[Фильтры поисковых запросов (Авиабилеты)|Search request filters (Air tickets) (rus)]]
* [[Фильтры результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Search result filters (Air tickets) (rus)]]
* [[Маршрутизатор поисковых запросов|Search request mixer (rus)]]
* [[Микшер результатов поиска (Авиабилеты)|Search result mixer(Air tickets) (rus)]]
* [[FastSearch — передача параметров в форму поиска|FastSearch - passing parameters to the search form (rus)]]
* [[Пользователь|User]]
* [[Анонимный пользователь|Anonymous user (rus)]]
* [[Агентство|Agency (rus)]] -->