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* '''Package enabled''' - this setting must be enabled in order for the service package to be displayed on the site.
* '''Price type''' - defines in which value the price of the package will be set: in absolute or relative. If you select "Percentage", the fields "Percentage of the price of the order" and "Rounding accuracy" become available; if you select "Value", only the field "Price per passenger" becomes available.
** '''Cost Price per single passenger''' is a mandatory field. Here you enter the cost price of a package of services for one passenger. When the ticket is issued on the booking form, the total price of the package for all passengers is displayed here.** '''Percentage of the price of the order''' - the percentage of the cost price of the order, according to which the price of the service package will be calculated. The price of the service package for one passenger is calculated as the price in percent of the price of the flight (without fees and ancillary services), divided by the number of passengers with a seat.
** '''Rounding accuracy''' - determines the rounding accuracy of the package price.
* '''Minimum Order Value Limit''' - the lower limit of the flight price (without fees and ancillary services), starting from which the service package will be displayed on the booking form.
<!--[[[File:Service Packages metric.png|250px|thumb|right|Service Packages - Transition Sources]]-->
* '''Allowable transition source''' - identifier of the transition source from the Metrics module, at transition from which this service package will be shown.
* '''Transition source for cost price override''' - identifier of the transition source from the Metrics module. When switching from the specified source the price of the service package will be changed in accordance with the value of the following field.
* '''Override price for the transition source specified above''' - the field for entering the overridden price of the package for the transition source specified above. Also, the currency in which the specified price will be displayed is specified here.