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Payment in the office

14 bytes added, 17:58, 22 December 2020
Setting up a payment template for the user
== Setting up a payment template for the user ==
<!--{| class="wikitable" align="center" style="margin-left:1em"
|[[File:Manage_gates.jpg|right|600px|One way to customize the template]]
|One of the ways to customize the template
|} -->
You can customize the appearance of the file that the user will receive at checkout. The template is set up as follows: "Finance and Payments" → "Payment Methods" → "Gateway Management" → Select the "Office" gateway type and select the "Requisites" action against it. The screenshot above shows one of the ways to set a template. If the template is not specified, the html page of the order will be printed.
If the template is specified, the user will see a payment window before printing (see screenshot below).
<!--{| class="wikitable" align="center" style="margin-left:1em"
|[[File:Payment.jpg|right|600px|Payment window]]
| Payment window
== See also ==