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m (Описание групп)
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===== Описание групп =====
===== Group description =====
{| style="width: 600px;" class="wikitable"
{| style="width: 600px;" class="wikitable"
| width="300" | Название группы
| width="300" | Group name
| width="300" | Описание группы
| width="300" | Group description
| width="300" | %SEGMENT%
| width="300" | %SEGMENT%
| width="300" | Сегмент
| width="300" |Segment

Revision as of 19:21, 23 December 2020

Electronic letter templates

The System Settings → Notifications → Email Templates section of the Websky Administration panel allows you to configure electronic letter templates that are sent to users when they perform certain actions. The following templates are available in the system:

  • Flight Booking - sent to the user when booking a flight.
  • Hotel booking - sent to the user when booking a hotel.
  • Train booking - sent to the user when booking a train ticket.
  • Booking reminder (before automatic cancellation) - sent to the user a specified time (in minutes) before the time limit expires.
  • Cancellation - sent to the user when he/she manually cancels the order. Works for "Trains" and "Hotels" components.
  • Flight cancellation - is sent during the automatic and manual cancellation of the flight, supports additional variables from the Flight Booking template. It works only for the Air component.
  • Automatic cancellation - is sent when booking time limit expires. If the template is not set, the automatic cancellation sends the template Annulation.

Attention! If the template flight cancellation is set, then both manual and automatic cancellation will trigger this template regardless of the presence of the Cancellation and Automatic cancellation templates.

  • Problem notification in the order - is sent if an error occurred during order placement. There is a variable %PROBLEM_MESSAGE% for the template that contains the text with the reason for the error.
  • Notification about the deadline for entering additional data into the air order - the template about the deadline for entering additional data into the order is sent for all actual (booked and ticketed orders) X hours (set in the mail settings) before the time of departure. Supports all variables from the flight booking notification template;
  • Order was changed during synchronization - sent when the option "Send email to client about order change" is enabled and if there were changes in the order during synchronization. When filling out this template, pay attention to the language version you've selected. To work correctly, you should fill out the template for "All languages". Works for the Railway and Hotels components.
  • Order was changed during synchronization (flight) - similar to the Order was changed during synchronization template, supports additional variables from the Flight Booking template;
  • Password Recovery - is sent when a user requests password recovery for logging in to the system;
  • Ticketing - sent when the ticket is ticketed after clicking the Issue ticket button, or after starting the autoticketing;

Attention! If the Ticketing template is NOT set, then, while you issue the order, e-mail will not be sent, and in the logs will appear Error "Action not taken: ticket_notification".

  • Order paid - sent when the order status is set to Paid;
  • 'Notification for Courier service - sent when the manager selects and confirms this form of payment;
  • Notification for Rapida - sent when the manager selects and confirms this form of payment;
  • Notification for Comepay - sent when the manager selects and confirms this form of payment;

The Add a pdf copy of an e-mail as an attachment setting in section System settings → Notifications → E-mail templates is set separately for each type of e-mail. If the setting is enabled for a certain type of email, a pdf copy of the email will be attached to these emails.

Template Variables


Variable Description
Variable Description of the variable
%AGENCY_NAME% Agency name
%AGENCY_PHONE% %agency_phone%
%AGENCY_EMAIL% E-mail of the agency
%USER_NAME% E-mail recipient's first and last name
%BOOKING_NUMBER% Internal order number
%EXTERNAL_ID% Order's external ID
%BOOKING_CODE% Booking access code
%SERVICE_BOOKING_NUMBER% Booking_number in the supplier's system
%LINK_TO_BOOKING% Link to booking
%CLIENT_PHONE% Customer's phone
%SEGMENT_DATE_ARR% Date and time of arrival for the segment
%SEGMENT_DATE_DEP% Date and time of departure for the segment
%GROUP_DATE_DEP_ARR% Date and time of departure and arrival by segments
%GROUP_DEP_ARR% Route of the segment
%QRCODE% QR code
%ALPHA_INSURANCE_INFO% AlfaInsurance service information for the whole order
%PASS_ALPHA_INSURANCE_INFO% AlfaInsurance service information for the passenger
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TYPE% Passenger type (grouping by passenger type)
%TOTAL_CHARGES_AND_TAXES% Charges and fees for all passengers
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_COUNT% Number of passengers (grouping by passenger type)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_FARE% Fare (grouping by types of passengers)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TAXES% Taxes (grouping by types of passengers)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TOTAL% Total (grouping by types of passengers)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TOTAL_FOR_GROUP% Total per group (grouping by types of passengers)
%FROM_SOURCE% Departure point (city, airport)
%TO_DESTINATION% Destination (city, airport)
%SEG_START_TERMINAL% Start terminal
%SEG_END_TERMINAL% End terminal
%FLIGHT_DATE% Departure date
%AIRLINE_COMPANY% Airline name
%AIRPORT_NAME% Airport name
%FLIGHT_NUMBER% Flight number
%ANNULATE_DATE% Payment deadline (date and time for automatic cancellation)
%CASH_DESK% Payment offices
%SHORT_BOOK_INFO% Brief information on the booking
%SHORT_FLIGHT_INFO% Brief information on the flight
%SHORT_CLIENT_INFO% Brief information on the client
%SHORT_PASS_INFO% Brief information on the passengers
%INFO_LINKS% A set of order management links
%GROUP_FROM_SOURCE% Departure point (city, airport) [for the segment]
%GROUP_TO_DESTINATION% Destination (city, airport) [for segment]
%GROUP_FLIGHT_DATE% flight_date [for segment]
%GROUP_FLIGHT_NUMBER% Flight number [for segment]
%GROUP_FLIGHT_COMPANY% Airline name [for segment]
%TOTAL_PRICE% Order price (in agency currency)
%BASE_TARIFF% Basic fare
%TAXES% Price rules
%GROUP_VENDOR_ID% Order ID from the airline
%GROUP_AIRCRAFT% Type of aircraft
%GROUP_PASS_FIO% Passenger's name
%GROUP_PASS_DOC% Type of document, its series and number
%GROUP_PASS_DATA_BIRTH% Passenger's date of birth
Group Description
Group name Group description
%SEGMENT% Segment
%PASSENGER_TYPE% Type of passenger
%PASSENGER% Passenger
Variable Promotion name
%PROMO(21)% TEXT [UNICODE] %PROMO% promotional action "12022014_Promo"

21 is the promotional action's id, TEXT is the optional text, 12022014_Promo is the unique promotional code


Variable Description
Variable Description of the variable
%AGENCY_NAME% Agency name
%AGENCY_PHONE% Agency phone number
%AGENCY_EMAIL% E-mail of the agency
%USER_NAME% Name and surname of the recipient of the letter
%BOOKING_NUMBER% Internal order number
%EXTERNAL_ID% External order ID
%BOOKING_CODE% Booking access code
%SERVICE_BOOKING_NUMBER% Booking number in the supplier's system
%LINK_TO_BOOKING% Booking reference
%GROUP_DATE_DEP_ARR% Date and time of departure and arrival by segments
%GROUP_DEP_ARR% Segment route
%EXTSERVICE_INFO% Information about an ancillary service
%BOOKING% Make a booking
- %CREDIT_CARD% Bank card
%E_MONEY% Electronic money
%BOOKING_ID% Service ID in the system
%ANNULATE_DATE% Payment deadline (date and time of automatic cancellation)
Group description
Group name Group description
%SEGMENT% Segment
Promotional actions
Variable Promotional action name
%PROMO(21)% TEXT [UNICODE] %PROMO% Promotional action "12022014_Promo"

21 is the promotional action ID, TEXT is the optional text, 12022014_Promo is the unique code of the promotion


variable description
Variable Description of the variable
%AGENCY_NAME% agency name
%AGENCY_PHONE% Agency phone number
%AGENCY_EMAIL% E-mail agency
%USER_NAME% name and surname of the recipient of the letter
%BOOKING_NUMBER% Internal order number
%EXTERNAL_ID% External order ID
%BOOKING_CODE% booking access code
%SERVICE_BOOKING_NUMBER% Booking number in the vendor system
%LINK_TO_BOOKING% Booking reference
%GROUP_DATE_DEP_ARR% Date and time of departure and arrival by segment
%GROUP_DEP_ARR% Segment route
%EXTSERVICE_INFO% information about additional service
%TRANSACTION% transaction number
%AMOUNT% amount
%BOOKING_ID% service ID in the system
%TYPE_OF_SERVICE% Type of service
Group description
Group name Group description
%SEGMENT% segment
Promotional actions
Variable Promotional action name
%PROMO(21)% TEXT [UNICODE] %PROMO% Promotional action "12022014_Promo"

21 is the Promotional action ID, TEXT is the optional text, 12022014_Promo is the unique code of the promotional action

Changing order during synchronization (flight)

Variable Description
Variable Description of the variable
%AGENCY_NAME% Agency name
%AGENCY_PHONE% Agency phone number
%AGENCY_EMAIL% E-mail of the agency
%USER_NAME% E-mail recipient's first and last name
%BOOKING_NUMBER% Internal order number
%EXTERNAL_ID% External order ID
%BOOKING_CODE% Booking access code
%SERVICE_BOOKING_NUMBER% Service booking number
%LINK_TO_BOOKING% Link to booking
%CLIENT_PHONE% Customer's phone
%SEGMENT_DATE_ARR% Date and time of arrival of the segment
%SEGMENT_DATE_DEP% Date and time of departure of the segment
%GROUP_DATE_DEP_ARR% Departure and arrival date and time by segments
%GROUP_DEP_ARR% Route of the segment
%QRCODE% QR code
%ALPHA_INSURANCE_INFO% AlfaInsurance service information for the whole order
%PASS_ALPHA_INSURANCE_INFO% AlfaInsurance service information for the passenger
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TYPE% Passenger type (grouping by passenger type)
%TOTAL_CHARGES_AND_TAXES% Charges and taxes for all passengers
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_COUNT% Number of passengers (grouping by passenger type)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_FARE% Fare (grouping by types of passengers)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TAXES% Taxes (grouping by types of passengers)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TOTAL% Total (grouping by types of passengers)
%PASS_TYPE_GROUP_TOTAL_FOR_GROUP% Total per group (grouping by types of passengers)
%BOOKING% booking
%E_MONEY% Electronic money
%BOOKING_ID% Service ID in the system
%FROM_SOURCE% Departure point (city, airport)
%TO_DESTINATION% Destination (city, airport)
%SEG_START_TERMINAL% Start terminal
%SEG_END_TERMINAL% End terminal
%FLIGHT_DATE% Departure date
%AIRLINE_COMPANY% Airline name
%AIRPORT_NAME% Airport name
%FLIGHT_NUMBER% Flight number
%ANNULATE_DATE% Payment deadline (date and time of automatic cancellation)
%CASH_DESK% Payment offices
%SHORT_BOOK_INFO% Brief information on the booking
%SHORT_FLIGHT_INFO% Brief information on the flight
%SHORT_CLIENT_INFO% Brief information on the client
%SHORT_PASS_INFO% Brief information on the passengers
%GROUP_FROM_SOURCE% Departure point (city, airport) [for the segment]
%GROUP_TO_DESTINATION% Destination (city, airport) [for the segment]
%GROUP_FLIGHT_DATE% Departure date [for segment]
%GROUP_FLIGHT_NUMBER% Flight number [for segment]
%GROUP_FLIGHT_COMPANY% Airline name [for segment]
%TOTAL_PRICE% Order price (in agency currency)
%BASE_TARIFF% Basic fare
%TAXES% Price rules
%GROUP_VENDOR_ID% Order ID in the airline's system
%GROUP_AIRCRAFT% Type of aircraft
%GROUP_PASS_FIO% Passenger name
%GROUP_PASS_DOC% Type of document, its series and number
%GROUP_PASS_DATA_BIRTH% Passenger's date of birth
%MODIFY_CHANGES% Changes in the order

Group Description
Group name Group description
%SEGMENT% Segment
%PASSENGER_TYPE% Type of passenger
%PASSENGER% Passenger

Features of working with variables in templates

When you make links to site pages in templates with variables of the form %LINK_TO_BOOKING% in the links pulled the domain name of the site specified in the administrative section of the setting Site management → Domains and protocols → Agency domain name for settings upload.

If several domain names are specified in this setting, the first of them will be used to generate the link.

Features of working with the letters for charters

The text of the email is set in 'Site management → Text resources as a correspondence to the Text for mail with certificate label.

Email newsletter settings

The settings required for mailing are located in System settings → Notifications and documents → Letter templates . In the SMTP login field, you must specify the e-mail address from which all e-mail templates will be sent.

Attention! It is strongly recommended to use the agency's own mail server, because the Websky test mail server can be unstable due to its use on many test sites.

In the SMTP server field indicates the mail server used (for example, "smtp.mail.ru").

In the SMTP password field, specify the password of the mailbox you are going to use for mailing.

The function of sending test letters is used to test the mailing system: you should send a test letter to the mailbox indicated in the agency settings when you click on the «Send Test Mail» link.

Sending copies of emails

The system provides the possibility to send copies of letters about bookings, cancellations, etc. to additional mailboxes specified in the mail settings (System settings → Notifications and documents → Options). To use the settings, use ";" in the E-mail address for copies of notifications field to specify e-mail addresses of users to whom letters should be sent (for example: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]).

Also, in the System settings → Notifications and documents → Letter templates section, you can specify in the Address for hidden copy of e-mail field the e-mail addresses to which hidden copies of e-mails generated on the basis of a particular template will be sent.

See also