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[[Категория:Встроенные модули]]
'''Air Tickets Search''' — is the [[Модуль (термин) | module]] of the [[Авиабилеты (компонент) | «Air Tickets»]] [[Компонент (термин) | component]] of the Websky system.
'''Air Tickets Search''' — is the [[Модуль (термин) | module]] of the [[Авиабилеты (компонент) | «Air Tickets»]] [[Компонент (термин) | component]] of the Websky system.

Revision as of 18:20, 5 August 2020

Air Tickets Search — is the module of the «Air Tickets» component of the Websky system.


Air Tickets Search is designed to organize the search for flights for further booking and ticketing. Air Tickets Search module organizes the flight search by several requisites for each GDS to obtain the most complete display of results at the most favorable prices. The search module also includes several auxiliary plugins:

  • search request filters
  • router
  • result filters
  • mixer

Principle of operation

thumb|left|Scheme of interaction of filters, router and mixer|center

Air Tickets Search is a complex process, and the various plugins are required for its for the implementation and support.

Air Tickets Search in the Websky has several stages:

  1. The user sets the search parameters.
  2. The Filter checks the parameters of the search request and interrupts the search process if at least one filter rule is triggered.
  3. The Search request router selects requisite packages suitable for the search by the conditions and starts a parallel search in the GDS by them.
  4. Parallel requests in the GDS are executed (the number of requests corresponds to the number of allowed requisite packages).
  5. Search results filter removes unwanted flights that match filter parameters from search results.
  6. Mixer removes the same flights (duplicates) from the search results from different GDS according to the established rules.
  7. The results are saved and displayed to the user at the display of results.

Search results — flights received from GDS.
Search results display — flights shown to the user on the stage №7.

Key features

  • interaction with metasearch systems;
  • custom internal search result cache;
  • smart controls for the search form;
  • search both by fixed and flexible dates;
  • search for simple and complex compound routes;
  • fare search for different passenger categories (adults, children, infants with/without a seat);
  • search by different service classes;
  • search simultaneously in several sources (multi-GDS, multi-PCC, search in different sessions);
  • support of GDS and non-GDS content search;
  • possibility to fine-tune the search for specific users of the system;
  • possibility to receive debug information on search.

Fine tuning

The search module has a number of additional settings:

  • Result filters enabled — option turns on Nemo 1.0 search result filters.
  • Result mixer enabled — option turns on Nemo 1.0 search result mixer.
  • Template:NameProject2 flight pseudo search — the setting is responsible for Template:NameProject2 pseudo search(flight multiplication).
  • Packages for schedule search in Template:NameProject2 — allows you to choose Nemo 1.0 requisite packages for the schedule search.
  • Blocked flights filtering: time of first flight blocking — time within which the flight unavailable for booking will be in the restricted flights list for the first time. Default is 1 hour. Option is available only if the «Unconfirmed segments processing» module is enabled. For it to work correctly the «...flight is blocked» result filter must be also enabled.
  • Blocked flights filtering: time of flight re-blocking — time within which the flight unavailable for booking will be in the restricted flights list for the second or more time. Default is 1 hour. Option is available only if the «Unconfirmed segments processing» module is enabled. For it to work correctly the «...flight is blocked» result filter must be also enabled.

  • Deeplink domain for XML API search results — as the setting value, the domain of the site is specified, which will be returned when using a search request in the agent API.
  • Block unavailable flights}}, Type of the unavailable flights blocking used, Time of the unavailable flights blocking — see Flight blocking
  • How to identify flight duplicates — allows you to fine-tune the mixing of search results. — see Nemo Connect Mixer
  • Use Nemo Connect cache — the setting allows you to enable the use of the cache for search requests.
  • Enable flight booking without taxes — the setting allows you to enable rules for subsidizing flights.